Export a search




When we do a find on our Dc, is there any way to export the full list of all
computers in our domain to an excel document, , they are not all in the one
container so I need a way of exporting the find all computers search.


Jerold Schulman


When we do a find on our Dc, is there any way to export the full list of all
computers in our domain to an excel document, , they are not all in the one
container so I need a way of exporting the find all computers search.


Right-click in the results pane and press Export List.

You can also run DSQUERY from an XP or W2K3 box in your W2K domain.

dsquery * domainroot -filter "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(objectClass=Computer)(<Optional Filter>))" -attr <AttrList> -Limit 0
See tip 7992 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at http://www.jsiinc.com

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

Joe Richards [MVP]

You might want to look at oldcmp for this, if you set the age to 0 it will dump
all computers. It has several useful output formats.

You can get it at www.joeware.net


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