Explorer version missing, "Help" no longer works



Since I had a brower hijacking I have been having many
problem with IE 6.0. I cannot cut and paste anything in
any program without a dialog box coming up which states
"You need IE version 3.0 or higher to use this feature."
The version number is missing when I look under properties,
and it is no longer listed in my registry. The biggest
problem is that I cannot use "Help" in any programs,
including Dreamweaver, Excel, Word etc.

I've tried updating my IE browser and changing the version
number in the registry, but to to avail. Any suggestions
on how I can get it working again? Thanks,

H Leboeuf

Did you try to repair IE

Add/Remove Programs/MS/IE repair...

Help support?

OFF2000: Cannot Use Help, or No Results Returned from Search
When you try use Help in any of the Office 2000 programs, either the Help
window does not appear, or no results are returned when you search Help.
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=237355 (9/16/2003)

Sandi - Microsoft MVP

First, what hijacking did you have?
How did you get rid of said hijacking?

It sounds like HTML Help has been damaged, but I'm not sure how you would
fix that.

Hyperlinks are used to ensure advice remains current
Do NOT send me an email. I will NOT see it (thank the spammers and viruses)
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)

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