Explorer stalls when you click on a file



Hello All,

I am at my wits end here. This is happening to several computers on my LAN. If you click on a file Explorer hangs for about a minute, if the file is on the network it will not even open and I wind up killing explorer.

Some things I have done to trouble shoot this (BTW I have all the latest Updates on these computers, sorry but it's not going to be that easy).

1. I open cmd and type in netstat >> netstat.txt , then click on the file, then switch back to cmd and keep scrolling throught the history untill the file finaly comes up. The file netstat.txt shows that infact when I click on the file it first goes out onto the network and polls a couple the servers looking for something (I suppose a file assosiation of sorts), then finaly it returns to look at the local computer

2. I've scanned it with all the usual suspects for Spyware and virie. All come up empty

3. I deleted (first set a system restorepoint) from the registry HKLM & HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Explorer

That worked, but as you can imagine, it also deleted all the Shortcuts, Settings, and what have you.

Also if I disable the NIC or unplug it, the problem goes away. I've combed through the registry Under both of the aforementioned Hive & Key, done a side by side comparision and nothing looks out of place

Any help would be appreciated.




Anyhelp would be appreciated. One more thing.

I deleted the two registry keys for Explorer in HKCU HKLM and then imported a known good configuration from another box. Still did not work


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