Explorer not refreshing USB devices when inserted



Strange problem here...I have two devices (a card reader and a USB
flash drive) that when I plug into the USB there is no tell-tale
"ding-dong" sound from XP that something has been plugged in.
Watching Explorer or an opened My Computer, the devices will not
appear However, if I close the window and reopen it, they will

Any idea what is causing this? The two devices work fine on my laptop
and I've also tried plugging them into other ports on the computer
(front and rear).

Thorsten Matzner

Strange problem here...I have two devices (a card reader and a USB
flash drive) that when I plug into the USB there is no tell-tale
"ding-dong" sound from XP that something has been plugged in.
Watching Explorer or an opened My Computer, the devices will not
appear However, if I close the window and reopen it, they will

Try this: "General USB troubleshooting in Windows XP"

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