Explorer Multiple Selection


Nigel Molesworth

I've recently noticed that multiple selection in Windows Explorer
doesn't work as it did under XP. I've got the "tick selected items"
option on.

I can't use shift+click to select a range - it just selects the
clicked on item as well as the first. Have I missed something?


Nigel said:
I've recently noticed that multiple selection in Windows Explorer
doesn't work as it did under XP. I've got the "tick selected items"
option on.

I can't use shift+click to select a range - it just selects the
clicked on item as well as the first. Have I missed something?

From MVP Keith Miller:

"It's a quirk of Explorer that's been showing up on some people's
machines. No known cause yet, but it gets saved with folder views once
it happens. I've written a script that helps MOST people with the
multi-select problem. It will remove single-select from saved folder
views & saved defaults. Right-click the link below & select 'Save Target
As..." - http://mysite.verizon.net/res18hr7/FixSingleSelect.zip

Then extract the contents of the .zip file & run the script."


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