Explorer Lag



I am running XP Pro SP2, and have noticed recently that one of my hard drives
has recently begun to run slow in explorer.exe

The prog is using 50%+ of my cpu, and I am annoyed.

I have defragged the drive, run checkdisk, run ccleaner and cursed at it!

I cannot think of any recent activity other than a very high file count and
running Windowpaper XP to modify the appearance. I removed the appearance

I am out of ideas, other than tranfering all the files and reformatting
the disk, which I would prefer not to do.

Any help would be appreciated!


Run the Task Manager, go to View/Select Columns, and turn on the following
columns: "I/O Read Bytes" and "I/O Write Bytes." This will give you details
as to which process is accessing the disk.

Although many processes will be accessing the disk, look for one with a high
total or a fast rate of increase, especially when you hear the drive being

One further suggestion regarding Task Manager stated by Ron Martell:

In the Processes tab if you click twice on the column heading for any
column then the list will be sorted in descending order based on the
value for that column. This helps to identify which processes have
the highest values for any given item.

Explorer.exe Process Uses Many CPU Cycles When Windows Is Idle

Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs
processes have opened or loaded.


All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!


Ran Task Manager as recommended, and it is telling me that explorer.exe is
the biggest draw. Now I need to find out why.

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