explorer errors



When I try to open Internet Explorer, I get an error
that says "iexplore.exe has generated errros and will be
closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created."

I had a message from Norton last week that said I had a
virus, so I deleted a bunch of files, and am wondering if
it has anything to do with that? I was able to get on
the internet this morning, but now I'm getting kicked out
with this error. I restarted a few times already.

Has anybody had this problem before? I have Windows 2000.

Dr Tree

I have not experienced that particular issue, but I would try getting a
new version of ie (if you can get on the web and stay on long enough to
download it), and alternatively, un-installing it and re-installing it.
Did you delete the files, or just quarantine them? Have you done any
system backup?

D Tre

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