Explorer does not refresh?


F. Edwin Felty

I reformatted and reinstalled XP Pro about 2 months ago, I reinstalled all
my usual stuff and updated all the software. A few days ago, I noticed that
Windows Explorer will not refresh. For Example, If I delete a subfolder from
a main folder, there remains a blanks spot in the folder structure where the
deleted item formerly existed. If I press F5 or View>Refresh, nothing
changes, I still have the empty spots. Has anyone this, or know how to fix

Thanks in Advance,

Eddie, now in Loveland

"To add/remove someone from your life, go to Start>Settings>Control Panel."

F. Edwin Felty

Kelly said:

Thanks for the reply....I'll save that for later. About 2 hours after I
posted the note, it somehow started working again. I don't know what was up,
but for the time being, it works!

Thanks Again,

Eddie, now in Loveland

"I tried to get in touch with my inner child but he isn't allowed to talk to

F. Edwin Felty

Kelly said:
Most welcome and glad all is well. BTW, love the tagline. May borrow it.

Feel Free...I've been collecting these from others for 10-12 Years now. Got
about 450, all told.

Eddie, now in Loveland

"It might be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to

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