Explorer crashing while navigating folders containing .xml files.



Just noticed that windows explorer (even Total Commander or any other file
manager) started to crash each time I'm navigating folders containing .xml
files. This events started right after installing Security Update for 2007
Microsoft Office System KB954326 and/or KB951550.

Tried to google it w/o any luck. Does anyone know how to fix the problem

Windows XP SP2


First of all thank you for your reply Mark.
I did what you suggested here, run the command 'sfc /scannow', w/o any
luck. It doesn't solved the problem at all. Tried even 'regsvr32 msxml.dll'
with the same results.
Please, is there any other solutions ?

Mark L. Ferguson

My guess would be some problem in the file association for xml files.
Control Panel/Default Programs/"Associate a filetype or protocol with a
program"/ scroll down to and highlight the .XML entry, and click "Change
Program" Set the association to Notepad, and OK. Note what the old
association was. Test the folder opening problem.

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Mark L. Ferguson MS-MVP


I don't have Control Panel/Default Programs under my win XP SP2.
Is there other way to launch it?
Maybe through the file manager, Tools->Folder Options->File Types-> XML
Files->Change Application ??? In other hand, i'm afraid using the file
manager will crash the Explorer again. What you think Mark ?


Well Mark, you did it again !!!
Your tip work like a charm.
The icon for XML file association was broken, when I tried to change it, I
got an error with something about %1. Choosing again a new custom icon for
XML and pointing him to a new location, did the trick.

Thank you very for your again...

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