Explorer 8



How can I block the pop up window for the explorer 8 download? It locks up
my computer everytime I connect to the internet and try to close it?

John Inzer

SafetySue said:
How can I block the pop up window for the explorer 8 download? It
locks up my computer everytime I connect to the internet and try to
close it?
Maybe the following links would be useful:

Internet Explorer 8 Delivery through Automatic Updates

Toolkit to Disable Automatic
Delivery of Internet Explorer 8


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk

PA Bear [MS MVP]

[Crosspost to IE General]

1. Stop the Automatic Updates service:

Start > Run > (type in) services.msc > [OK]
Double-click Automatic Updates > Click on Stop
(Stopping the service will take a moment)

2. Delete the contents of the Download folder:

Start > Run > (type in) %windir%\SoftwareDistribution > [OK]
Open the Download folder and delete its contents
Close the window.

3. Go to Windows Update website | Select CUSTOM and allow the scan to
complete | Uncheck/deselect IE8 and hide it ("Don't show me this update

4. Start the Automatic Updates service:

Start > Run > (type in) services.msc > [OK]
Double-click Automatic Updates > Click on Start
(Starting the service will take a moment)

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