Expenses Spread sheet Tutorial for Newbie ?



I have MS Office 2000 on my XP Pro SP2 PC.

I am completely unfamiliar with MS Excel and would like to construct a
spreadsheet showing details of the following transactions:-

My partner and I contribute equally to the costs of running a boat ,
the expenses of which are divided eually between us.

Could anyone help me construct an expense spreadsheet in Excel showing
the two individual contributions to the costs of running the boat ,
details of those costs and and the resultant balance ( either in
credit or debit ) between each individual ?

Perhaps there are tutorials on this or details in Excel Help although
I haven't been able to find details of the latter .


Sandy Mann

How simple a spreadsheet do you want?

A very simple one:

A1: Date
B1: Name
C1: Purchase
D1: Amount
format column D as Currency
F1: Adminal Total (after typing Admiral press and hold the Alt key & press
ENTER to insert a line break before you type in Total)
G1: Captain Total (line wrapped as above
H1: Balance

F2: Enter the formula:


G2: Enter the formula:

Format Cell F2 & G2 as Currency

H2: Enter the formula:
=IF(F2=G2,"Balanced",IF(F2>G2,"Admiral paid "&TEXT(F2-G2,"$0.00")&" more
than Captain","Captain paid "&TEXT(G2-F2,"$0.00")&" more then Admiral"))


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed) with @tiscali.co.uk


How simple a spreadsheet do you want?

A very simple one:

Thanks , I haven't time to look at it just now but that looks just
what I need .

Will post back with any comments /queries if necessary.




How simple a spreadsheet do you want?

A very simple one:

A1: Date
B1: Name
C1: Purchase
D1: Amount
format column D as Currency
F1: Adminal Total (after typing Admiral press and hold the Alt key & press
ENTER to insert a line break before you type in Total)
G1: Captain Total (line wrapped as above

A question here :- when I do this , in F1 & G1 what I get is the No1
row thickens so that the words "Admiral" and "Total" appear below each
other in this row - is that what you intended ? Both words are still
on row 1.
H1: Balance

F2: Enter the formula:


G2: Enter the formula:

Format Cell F2 & G2 as Currency

H2: Enter the formula:
=IF(F2=G2,"Balanced",IF(F2>G2,"Admiral paid "&TEXT(F2-G2,"$0.00")&" more
than Captain","Captain paid "&TEXT(G2-F2,"$0.00")&" more then Admiral"))

Perhaps I didn't explain clearly exactly what it is I woulkd like to
compare here . I am the one who buys everything for the boat and then
these costs are divided and my partner contributes from time to time.

This means that "Admirals" expenses should be divided by 2 and then
compared to "Captains" contributions .

Since all the "Captain" contributes is cash , his total contributions
should , therefore be compared to half my purchases before the BALANCE
is shown between these two amounts.

I hope this is not too confusing or , indeed to much trouble for you
to reply to <g>

Kind regards,


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