expanding numbers in cells



I am tranferring data from a 31/2" disc to an excel program. All fiields in
columns appear correctly except the most important one. These are scanning
numbers that are up to 35 numbers. In this column it gives me 6 or 8 numbers
and then a +21 sign after. How do I expand these numbers to their actual


Try formatting the cells to number rather than general and then widening the
column for your long number to fit.

Gord Dibben

Sounds like the numbers are in Scientific notation.

Note: if they are coming in as real numbers, only the first 15 digits will
remain as is because Excel will deal with 15 digits of precision.

The remaining 20 digits will turn to 0's

Can you re-format to text before transferring the numbers or during the Text
Wizard steps, designate that column as Text?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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