Expanded Choice For Snoozing A Reminder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim J.
  • Start date Start date

Jim J.

When I get a reminder in Outlook, I will often set it to snooze for a period
of time. Sometimes I snooze the same item several times.
It would be nice if the snooze time menu offered choices on either side of
the current snooze setting. For example, CURRENTLY if I have the snooze set
at 15 minutes, when the item pops up again, I will see a menu to choose 15
minutes and several choices greater than 15 minutes.
My request would be that I also see some choices that are LESS THAN the
current snooze setting. So, for this example, I would not only see times
that are greater than 15 minutes, but I also would see 10 minutes, and 5
Thanks in advance

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Both 5 minutes and 10 minutes are already there in Outlook 2007. Which
version are you using?

Note that you can freely type in that field so you can also set it to 3
minutes if you want.
Thanks for the response.
Maybe I was unclear. You are correct when you state that "5 minutes and 10
minutes are already there". The issue is that these are not visible when you
click on the menu to choose the next snooze interval. In order to see them,
you need to scroll up. The only times that are visible (in my example of a
re-snooze of a 15 minute snooze) are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours,
4 hours, and 8 hours.
My suggestion is that time values on EITHER SIDE of the previously-chosen
would be visible without having to scroll up. So, in this example, you would
see 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours.
Thus, I have choices on either side of my initial choice.
Aha, got it now; it's more of an interface tweak than actually a new option
The suggestion makes sense to me then.
I'd like to get 1 minute before start set as the default snooze. I'm happy
to have the reminders 15 min before hand; this is useful. But I need an
additional reminder right before the meeting. I'd like it to remember my
choice and use that as a default for next time.

Btw-, snoozing to 0 hours before start is less than perfect because it
reminds you after the start of the meeting (usually around 50 seconds after
-- what would really be helpful if 0 hours before start actually meant 30-40
seconds before, not 35-55 seconds after! Since this difference is over a
minute, there is a need for 1 min before start setting).

It is hard to understand why there is so much room for improvement here -
delivering notifications to late, failing to allow for customized defaults,
not remembering user choices... This can't be that hard!