Expand / collapse VBA chunks




Is there a way I can expand / collpase chunks of VBA code?

These logical chunks are separated by empty lines.



Dirk Goldgar

Rajat said:

Is there a way I can expand / collpase chunks of VBA code?

These logical chunks are separated by empty lines.

I have no idea what you mean. Could you explain?


In the lower left corner of the VBA code window there are two small buttons -one is for procedure view, the other is for module view (at least they're there on my A2K3 version). Other than that, I know of no way to expand / collapse the text in the code window.

Brendan Reynolds

There's a feature in VS.NET where you can define 'regions' of code like so

#Region "My Region"
#End Region

You can then expand and collapse those regions by clicking on + and -
symbols, like outlining in Word. To see it in action, create a new Windows
Forms application in VS.NET, and in the code behind the default "Form1",
click the + symbol beside "Windows Form Designer generated code".

The answer, of course, is no, the VBA editor does not implement such a

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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