exel help



Hi i'm working in exel, i have a column(A1) with these type of info in the
column ( hbdn3j , hdfeyb , ijdnhf33k ) , and so on all the way down to 1000,
now i need to add to the end of these (.jpg ) all the way down 1000 sets.
How can i do this without going one by one and adding the ( .jpg ), i know
there is a code to do this i think its, A1=&".jpg" i've used it before but i
can't remember what to do with the code afterwards.


Richard Buttrey

Hi i'm working in exel, i have a column(A1) with these type of info in the
column ( hbdn3j , hdfeyb , ijdnhf33k ) , and so on all the way down to 1000,
now i need to add to the end of these (.jpg ) all the way down 1000 sets.
How can i do this without going one by one and adding the ( .jpg ), i know
there is a code to do this i think its, A1=&".jpg" i've used it before but i
can't remember what to do with the code afterwards.


Nearly right. Code would be


Then to convert them all to text values, just copy A1:A1000 and Edit
PasteSpecial Values to A1

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK


If you have other data in the worksheet in columns B onwards, then
insert a new column B temporarily, and in B1 enter this formula:


Copy this formula down column B - a quick way is to double-click the
fill handle, which is the small black square in the bottom right corner
of the cursor, with B1 selected.

You should now fix the values in column B to get rid of the formula. To
do this, highlight column B, click <copy> then Edit | Paste Special |
Values (check) | OK then <Enter>. You can then either delete column A
or copy the values from column B to overwrite the ones in column A and
delete column B.

Hope this helps.


Bob Phillips

in B1 use =A1&".jpg"

Copy down.

Select column B, and copy

Goto edit>PasteSpecila, and click Values, then OK

Delete column A


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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