Exe or DLL version



How do i get the exe version of a .exe or a .dll program, currently I'm doing
it like this:

System::Reflection::Assembly^ _asmb =
String^ mName = _asmb->get_FullName();
Char delimiter[] = L","->ToCharArray();
String^ mParts[] = mName->Split(delimiter);
String^ mVersion = mParts->get_Item(1)->ToString();

but the problem is that i cannot move this .exe file during this process, i
can move it when this process stops but i need to copy it during the process.

does anybody knows how to unload it or how to get the program version?

Mattias Sjögren

does anybody knows how to unload it or how to get the program version?

Use FileVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo() if you want the file version, or
AssemblyName::GetAssemblyName() if you wnat the assembly version.



thank you very much!!

this FileVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo() thing worked pretty good for me

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