exclude a number from randbetween function



I am trying to get 4 different random numbers, all between 1 and 20, without
duplicating the numbers. Can anyone advise me on how to do this. I am
curently using randbetween function, 4 times, but I get the same number twice
every now and again

Jim Cone

Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

'Generates five random numbers between 1 and 20
'with no duplicates. Concept stolen from Tom Ogilvy.
'Jim Cone - San Francisco, USA
Sub GetThem()
Dim arrCheck(1 To 20) As Long
Dim arrList(1 To 5) As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim N As Long
Const LNG_PLUG As Long = 999

j = 1
Do While j < 6
'Get a random number
N = Int(Rnd * 20 + 1)
'If number unique then add to arrList.
If arrCheck(N) <> LNG_PLUG Then
arrList(j) = N
arrCheck(N) = LNG_PLUG
j = j + 1
End If

Range("B5:F5").Value = arrList()
End Sub

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I am trying to get 4 different random numbers, all between 1 and 20, without
duplicating the numbers. Can anyone advise me on how to do this. I am
curently using randbetween function, 4 times, but I get the same number twice
every now and again


A formula method...

In A1 =RAND() copied down to A20

in B1 copied down to B4


These are your 4 random numbers - hit F9 to regenerate - hide column
if require

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