Exch2003 Installation Mystery



Just installed Exchange 2003 on a member server in a Win2003Server test

Ran forestprep and domain prep as part of the pre-installation steps.

When the installation was complete, I went to the DC to create a new
At that point, I noticed that the AD had no idea that Exchange existed.
There were no Exchange-related tabs under the user properties.

This happened even after I rebooted both servers. The Exchange services were
DNS was working.

Did I miss some hidden step during the installation process?

Any help would be appreciated.


Joe Richards [MVP]

The extra tabs will only exist on machines that have had the Exchange tools
loaded on them. You really shouldn't manage users directly from the domain
controllers anyway. You should manage them from workstations.


Simon Geary

If you use the ADUC icon that comes with the Exchange tools you should see
the extra tabs.

Asher N

The extra tabs will only exist on machines that have had the Exchange
tools loaded on them. You really shouldn't manage users directly from
the domain controllers anyway. You should manage them from

But not all tabs show up on a workstation. The dial-in permissions one
for example

Simon Geary

Asher N said:
But not all tabs show up on a workstation. The dial-in permissions one
for example

There was a fix issued for that dial-in tab problem a while back. The kb for
it has been updated recently and the 'new' fix is to install adminpak.msi
from Windows 2003 SP1. http://support.microsoft.com//kb/837490
As far as I know that was the only missing tab problem when using XP.

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