Excess spacing within a field



Data that was imported from another source contains spacing within the text. For example, I imported several records and many of the fields contain text such as "This is only a test". How do I remove the spaces between "is" and "only". Neither of the Trim functions (LTRIM, RTRIM,TRIM) works for this case. Any ideas on how to remove the excess spaces in the middle of the text field?

Brendan Reynolds

Public Function RemSpace(ByVal strSource As String) As String

Dim strWork As String

strWork = Trim$(strSource)
Do While InStr(1, strWork, Space$(2)) <> 0
strWork = Replace(strWork, Space$(2), Space$(1))
RemSpace = strWork

End Function

UPDATE tblTest SET tblTest.TestText = RemSpace([TestText]);

There might be some performance benefit in replacing Space$(2) with " "
(two spaces) and Space$(1) with " " (one space). I used the Space$()
function because it's easier to see what the code is doing that way.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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this post will be deleted without being read. Any e-mail claiming to be
from brenreyn at indigo dot ie that is not digitally signed by me with a
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being read. Follow-up questions should in general be posted to the
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SD said:
Data that was imported from another source contains spacing within the
text. For example, I imported several records and many of the fields
contain text such as "This is only a test". How do I remove the spaces
between "is" and "only". Neither of the Trim functions (LTRIM, RTRIM,TRIM)
works for this case. Any ideas on how to remove the excess spaces in the
middle of the text field?

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