Exceptions in Firewall



In Control Panel / Windows Firewall / Exceptions ; I am suspicious of the
some of the programs that are Enabled. Some have names like Remote Assistant,
Network Diagnostics for W XP, and Windows Live Messneger.
There are 9 at the top of the list that DO NOT have names which worry me?
There is a box with a check mark in and just the word 'ENABLE',,, no name of
a Program.

When I click on Edit they have names which I will now Copy. I don't know
about enabling these places to have access to my PC, whether they are
important for operation or some type of intrusion.
(Remember the only name they have is 'ENABLE" and they are checked, I don't
ever remember allowing them, unless it done from the website?.)
Here is what comes up when I Click on Edit.
"You can allow comms with this Program from any pc, including those on the
Interneet" <<< ((this is what I am worried about, especially the Explorer
as I had some problems that revolved around explorer,)))
C:\Documents and Settings\Gary\xgw.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Gary\ipb.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Gary\cwiu.exe

If you can tell me whether it is important to some programs I use that I
must allow
this access, or whether someone has snuck in!?

Andrew E.

"Do not have names",as in no text at all....Either way,L.click on it,delete
it from list.


With file names like those it looks like your system is compromised with
virus and or malaware.
Time to do some deep scanning with multiple scanning apps


Just a box with a check; then the word "ENABLED" - no title or name
when Click on Edit there is the Info I posted.
Based on the 2 Replies, I have Deleted them and am going to scan.. with Avast


joseph wrote:

(snip multipost)

Asked and answered in the other newsgroup to which you posted. Please don't
multipost; it makes more work for everyone and will get you *less* help,
not more. See this for why:

http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting

If you have forgotten where you posted or can't find your post, use Google
Groups Advanced Search and search for your name.

To make it easy for you this time, here is the answer I already gave you:

You are infected and need to clean up your computer. Go through these
general malware removal steps systematically -

Include scanning with David Lipman's Multi_AV and follow instructions to do
all scans in Safe Mode. Please see the special Notes regarding using
Multi_AV in Vista.

http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Multi-AV - instructions
http://tinyurl.com/yoeru3 - download link and more instructions

You can also check to see if there are targeted removal steps for your
malware here:
Bleeping Computer removal how-to's -

When all else fails, get guided help. Choose one of the specialty forums
listed at the first link. Register and read its posting FAQ. PLEASE DO NOT

Standard disclaimer: I can't see and test your computer myself, so these are
just suggestions based on many years of being a professional computer tech;
suggestions based on what you've written. You should not take my
suggestions as a definitive diagnosis. If you can't do the work yourself
(and there is no shame in admitting this isn't your cup of tea), take the
machine to a professional computer repair shop (not your local equivalent
of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad). Please be aware that not all local shops
are skilled at removing malware and even if they are, your computer may be
so infested that Windows will need to be clean-installed. If possible, have
all your data backed up before you take the machine into a shop.


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