


I'm trying to enforce standards on my users so I don't want them customising
fonts and icon bars. One way would be to disable the options but I have a
preference for leaving the options in place and just deleting the changes as
they exit. To do this I'm trying to delete Excel11.xlb as they exit but I
can't seem to get the code in the right place for it to trigger. One attempt
did in fact delete it only for a subsequent event in the closing excel
sequence of events to put it back. Has anyone any ideas on this?


At some point in the closing sequence, Excel has to write that file to save
modifications. I would think it would occur after any opportunity you have
to delete the file, so as you observe, it is recreated. Although attractive,
I don't see this as a viable alternative, but someone else may have a better

Dave Peterson


If you have a common network folder, you could put your *.xlb file in that
folder (and nothing else).

Then for each user/pc, you'll have to change a setting:
tools|options|General|at startup, open all files in
point at that common folder.

When excel starts, it'll load the user's *.xlb file, but then (very quickly),
that toolbars will be replaced with the one in the common network folder.

Another option would be to add something to a workbook (any workbook???) that
opens that *.xlb file:

Option Explicit
Sub auto_open()
Workbooks.Open "C:\yourprivatetoolbarfolder\excel11.xlb"
End Sub

Or provide the users with a new shortcut to start excel--but the shortcut
actually copies your *.xlb file into the correct location. This won't help if
the user starts excel by double clicking on a *.xls file in windows explorer,


And one more thought.

Don't do this.

If I were one of your users and you destroyed a toolbar file (with no warning!)
that I had customized, I'd be ticked off. I'd look for a different
solution--maybe formatting the ranges each time the user changed selection--or
when it was opened the next time--or....


Tom & Dave

Thanks to you both for your answers.

What I'm charged with is trying to enforce a corporate standard without
taking away any of the normal functionality. The user isn't entitled to be
ticked off by the corporate standard being forced upon him/her it's what none
as tough!

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