Excel yes or No



Hi all
perhaps a question for the word section but....

I have an excel file with various data in, Each colum has a heading and each
candidate will either have some info in that colum (if so then the data will
be a date), if no data then it will be blank.

What I really need for my mail merge is for word to check if there is data
in the cell or not and give me a result.
For example if B3 = (blank) display in mail merge N
or if B3 = 01/09/2008, display Y

If i were to also copy data to an excel worksheet, and within that one cell
contained a date. I want the new worksheet where it was pasted to display
this date as a YES, if there was a blank it should be displayed as a NO

Can someone guide me through this

PS: new user to mail merge so please be specific and think fo me as a newbie!

David Biddulph

You could use a formula =IF(B3="","N","Y")
If you put that in a column in your worksheet , then when it comes to the
mail merge stage you can select records by that column, and include in your
merge only the records which have Y in that column.

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