Excel Workbook- Can't open file once any changes are made



Hello everyone-
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2002 (verison 10.6501.6626 with SP3
and I just completed developing a fairly large Excel workbook wit
numerous worksheets and macros. If I send the file to a handful o
other people, they are all able to open the workbook and make change
with out getting any problems (They can change the file name itself o
make changes to the cells within the workbook).

Here's my problem: On my computer I can open the base version of th
workbook without getting any error messages. However, if I make an
changes (no matter how simple, like changing text in one cell) o
change the file name and close the workbook, I get an error messag
when I re-open that file that says: "Microsoft Excel has Encountered
problem and needs to close." The error log reads: "Damage to the fil
was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted t
recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost o
corrupted." I am afraid that if I am required to make any changes t
the workbook in the future, I will not be able to do so because of thi

I have reviewed this forum, and have tried almost everything: clearin
temp directory (%temp%), re-installing Office XP with SP3, detect an
repair in Office XP, checking names with the Names Manager 3.1 add-i
(which is awesome), looked for Windows XP updates, running anti-virus
uninstalling adobe acrobat.

Has anyone seen this type of problem before? Why would the workboo
work on everyone else's computer except mine? Could it have to do wit
the fact that I developed the workbook on this PC?

Thank you very much! Any help or insight would be most appreciated.


Attachment filename: errormsg.jpg
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=61466

Tom Ogilvy

If someone renames the workbook and sends it back to you, do you have
problems with that version?

It sounds more like some aspect of Excel is messed up on your machine than
having to do with the fact that the workbook was created on your machine.
If you continue to have the problem, you might uninstall excel/office and
then install it again, perhaps in another location on your machine. This is
drastic, however. Before doing that, you might try closing all
applications, then clearing all files in your temp directory.

You can also open excel in safe mode

go to the start and select Run, enter excel.exe /s

if you don't get the problem when you then open the file from excel, this
would be indicative of a bad addin or something found in your xlstart


You're a life saver. Although opening Excel in safe mode didn't do th
trick, I re-installed Office into a different directory and that ha
solved my issue.

Thanks again!


Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score

Do your .xls file work well now? If not, they might be damaged, and you may try Advanced Excel Repair at http://www.datanumen.com/aer/ This tool is rather useful in salvaging damaged Excel xls files. Hope this will help.

Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Help Please

I have a similar problem to the one identified below.

Myself and a collegue have worked on a excel document on his laptop. The document has macros and pivot tables etc.

On completing the document he has sent it to me via email, but when I open of the spreadsheet I get a similar message "Microsoft Excel has Encountered a
> problem and needs to close." The error log reads: "Damage to the file
> was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted to
> recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or
> corrupted."

I have tried opening it on several pcs but each time the same message appears. Yet on my colleagues laptop the document works fine.

Can someone please help.

Thank you


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