Excel VBA Funtion parameter input

May 8, 2013
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I'd like to ask, why is it not working?

Private Sub convert_Click()
Dim sMin, sSec As String
Dim iMin, iSec, iMinSec As Integer

sMin = UserForm2.inpMenit.Value
sSec = UserForm2.inpSec.Value

If sMin = "" Or sSec = "" Then
MsgBox "Please fill all input boxes"
ElseIf IsNumeric(sMin) = False Or IsNumeric(sSec) = False Then
MsgBox "Please input number only"
iMin = CInt(sMin)
iSec = CInt(sSec)
iMinSec = MINSEC(iMin, iSec)
UserForm2.outCnt.Value = iMinSec
End If
End Sub

Public Function MINSEC(inputMin As Integer, inputSec As Integer) As Integer
MINSEC = inputMin * 60 + inputSec
End Function

It said there was a type mismatch in "iMinSec = MINSEC(iMin, iSec)". I already used "CInt" to convert string to integer, but still not working. When I tried to replace iMin, iSec with some integer, it worked.

Thanks for your help.:bow:

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