Excel/VBA: cannot import, show, export userforms



Please, help me! I can not find where is the the information I need.

My problem is:
I had Windows 2000 and Office 2000.
Now they installed Windows XP and Office 2000 (serv.pack 3).
And my forms do not work anymore!

The error message says nothing useful, only:
1) the component is not corretly installed (ok! but it's a common form with
only normal windows common buttons and labels, not a single userparty
creative control)

2) error: &H80004005 -2147467259

3) memory insuficient (ahah, at 256 Mb, only Excel running... )

4) can not set OleObjectBlob property

But if I try to open the same file (excel workbook) at a Windows 98 / Office
2000 (serv.pack1) all works fine: the worksheet is correct and all code and
forms works well.

Please, help me!
yours, Daniel
(e-mail address removed)
from Brazil

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