Excel temporary files




Why excel create a temporary named like "A4506B00" ?
Is possible configure excel to delete these file on exit ?

Thanks Simon.

Bob Phillips

They should, but temp files get left. I use a VBScript to delete them when I
log in by putting the following code in a .vbs text file, and schedule that
file to run on startup

' File: tempDirTidy
' Function: deletes inactive files from the Windows Temp directory
' i.e. files not automatically deleted by the creating process

Const TemporaryFolder = 2 'for GetSpecialFolder

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'init an empty array (UBound will be -1)...
'we use an array and store the file objects as this avoids any problems
' with altering the contents of the Files collections while they
' are being iterated.

arFiles = Array()
count = -1

'get the path to the temp folder
tempdir = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)

'load the (global scope) array arFiles
'SelectFiles calls itself recursively for SubFolders

SelectFiles tempdir

'the error trap is in case any are in-use...

dCount = 0
For Each file In Arfiles
On Error Resume Next
file.Delete True
If Err.Number = 0 Then
dCount = dCount + 1
End If
On Error Goto 0

'now go back and delete empty folders below the temp folder

DeleteEmptyFolders tempdir,False

'comment out for "silent" operation,
' or add support for a "/s" command-line switch.

Msgbox count+1 & " files were found in " & tempdir & vbcrlf & dCount & " of
those files were deleted.", vbInformation,"Windows Temp Directory Tidy-up"

Sub SelectFiles(sPath)

'select files to delete and add to array...

Set Folder = FSO.Getfolder(sPath)
Set Files = Folder.Files

For Each file In Files
Count = Count + 1
Redim Preserve arFiles(Count)
Set arFiles(Count) = file

For Each fldr In Folder.Subfolders
Selectfiles Fldr.Path

End Sub

Sub DeleteEmptyFolders(sPath,fDeleteThisFolder)

Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(sPath)

'recurse first...

For Each fldr In Folder.Subfolders
DeleteEmptyFolders fldr.Path,True

'if no files or folders then delete...

'fDeleteThisFolder is False for the root of the subtree,
' and true for sub-folders (unless you want to delete
' the entire subtree if it is empty).

If (Folder.Files.Count = 0) And _
(Folder.Subfolders.Count) = 0 And _
fDeleteThisFolder Then
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

end-script ---------------------------------


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Dave Peterson

I think Bob responded with a suggestion on how to clean up temporary files in
the windows temp folder.

But I'm guessing that's not the problem.

When excel saves the file, it saves it as a temporary file with a funny name (8
characters--no extension).

If the save is successful, xl will delete the original (or rename it to its
backup name (like "backup of book1.xlk)) and if that's successful, xl will
rename the funny named file to the original's name.

Common things that get blamed for interruptions to this process are antivirus
software poking its head in or network errors--either permissions or physical

Maybe temporarily disabling the antivirus software would be the easier thing to

Bob Phillips

When Excel crashes as often as mine does, you will always get left with
temporary files, even if there is nothing interfering <vbg>



HI Dave

Yes I have an antivirus, now try to disable it.
I'm forgot to explain that I open a the xl file from a network path.


Dave Peterson

If you have trouble disabling the antivirus, you may want to post what you're
using. Maybe someone can help.


Hi I think to have found the problem, the user that use xl, have create
right but don't have delete right on network folder.

Thanks for help.


Dave Peterson

Glad you got it working.
Hi I think to have found the problem, the user that use xl, have create
right but don't have delete right on network folder.

Thanks for help.


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