Excel stopped automatically setting print area :-(



I like using the print area preview mode. I did something (think a copy/paste
command), and now Excel has stopped automatically expanding the print area as
I input data into new cells. Is there an easy way to make Excel do the auto
print area expansion again?

I know there's a weird formula/macro out there that can do it, but I prefer
simplier methods.

Dave Peterson

Maybe just resetting the print range would be enough.

In xl2003 menus:
File|print area|clear print area


Here's where things might get a bit confusing...

I did the 'Clear Print Area'. It reset nicely to my filled in columns, but...
.... I previously had a cell at the far right with some data, but I deleted
it all later as I didn't need it. Now the 'Clear Print Area' keeps extending
all the way to the blank cell. Delete column/row, cut, clear contents,
nothing works.

Also, if I put data into an outside cell, the print area will extend
accordingly (good). But if I delete the data in that cell, the print area
will not retract (bad). :(


Yay, so now when I clear the print area, it doesn't include any empty
But I still can't get it to automatically retract if I delete a cell content.
E.g. I put data into a cell on Row 20. It's the only data on that row, print
area expands to include it. I delete the data in that cell, print area stays
the same size, normally it would retract to it's original size.

Dave Peterson

What version of excel are you running?

When I clear a cell, my print range adjusts automatically. I'm using xl2003.

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