Excel keeps crashing when I try to format any cells?



Every time I try to format a cell in excel the program crashes on me. I've
run a virus check and I can't find any viruses. I seem to have enough space
on my computer. What could be the problem??


Does this occur only on one file, or any? If only on one, does it occur with
that file if it is run on another machine?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


It occurs on all files. It only seems to happen on my computer.


Well, if the offending files work fine on another computer and any file
offends on your computer, then I think under those circumstances, I would
just re-install Office/Excel.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Thanks for replying...
I just tried re-installing Office and the problem continues. Any other


With a clean re-install of Office, and the problem remaining on any file,
then it pretty much has to be a machine problem. Memory, OS, virus, or
hardware. Double check everything, and try another program to see if you
have abnormalities there also....and with that program running in the
background, see if you still have the format problem in Excel. Make sure
your XLstart folder is empty so as not to cause any external problem from
there. Disable any Add-ins you have installed. Have you recently
installed another program, Drivers, and/or Operating Systems?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


All my other programs are running fine. I can even do pivots in excel
without any problem. I have used slightly less than 1/2 of my hard drive.
The XLstart folder was empty and I disabled all my add-ins. The problem
still persists. Would you suggest removing office and installing office from
scratch (I just did a re-install)? It is a DELL computer. Should I contact

Thanks very much for your help.


I forgot to mention, the only install I've done lately is Norton Ghost. I
installed the program and backed up my computer with it??


Ok, since you have a backup now, I would first try just un-installing Ghost
and see if that fixes the problem, if not, then un-install Office and do a
complete new install......methinks that should do it.........I've never heard
of this problem per se, but I recently read about how new programs being
installed sometimes update some DLL files and the updates are not always
compatible with the previously installed programs. Don't know if thats the
case here, but it sure sounds liike it. Completely un-installing both Ghost
and Office should get rid of any problem like that and then a clean install
of Office should start working ok.........and remember, if this solves it,
your backup still has the problem and should probably eventually be
replaced......or at least not counted on for it's Excel to work........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


I've taken Norton Ghost off now and tried a simple re-install of Office but,
that didn't work. I'll remove Office tonight and then install it again from
the CD and see if that helps. Thanks for all of your advice... Hopefully, I
can clear this up...


CLR said:
Ok, since you have a backup now, I would first try just un-installing Ghost
and see if that fixes the problem, if not, then un-install Office and do a
complete new install......methinks that should do it.........I've never heard
of this problem per se, but I recently read about how new programs being
installed sometimes update some DLL files and the updates are not always
compatible with the previously installed programs. Don't know if thats the
case here, but it sure sounds liike it. Completely un-installing both Ghost
and Office should get rid of any problem like that and then a clean install
of Office should start working ok.........and remember, if this solves it,
your backup still has the problem and should probably eventually be
replaced......or at least not counted on for it's Excel to work........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Are you still around???

I did everything you suggested and the problem still persists!!! I can't
seem to format in excel. I completely removed microsoft office and
re-installed from a new set of diskettes that I asked Dell to send to me.
Even with the new diskettes the problem continues. I have no idea what to do
next!!! Neither does Dell.

Any thoughts??

Bryan Hessey

For a little more information, what version of Office are you running?
and is it just a single cell that you cannot format? - can you
highlight (say) 4 cells or a whole row or a whole column, and try to
Try the right-mouse Format, the Formula bar Format, Cells option, and
the CTRL/1 option.

If you highlight a cell can you CTRL/2 to set the Bold, CTRL/3 to set
the Italic, and CTRL/4 to set the Underline? or is it just the
Format Cells window that you cannot open?

If you View, Toolbars and make sure Formatting is ticked, can you apply
the various formats to a cell or group of cells?

Are there any more clues?


I'm running Microsoft Office PRofessional Edition 2003. When I use the
Format - Cells off the menu I can't format a thing. When I press the percent
sign on the menu bar I can change a number to a percent but, I can't add
decimals (or it will crash). It doesn't matter if it's a range or a single
cell. I can use control-B to bold and control-I but, it crashes on contol-U
to underline. The right mouse button also crashes.

Any ideas??

Gord Dibben

Hard to troubleshoot something like this but try searching for your
Excel11.xlb file with Excel closed out.

When found(there may be more than one) rename to Excel11.old then open Excel.

Excel will re-build the Excel11.xlb file to default and may stop the problem
you are having.

Any customizations you have will be gone.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


I did as you suggested and I'm still having the problem. Would it be worth
uninstalling, defragmenting and then installing again??

One odd thing I noticed... when excel opens the "running virus scan" seems
to run longer than it used to. Maybe I'm searching for something but, I'm
not sure if that might have anything to do with it??


Gord Dibben

Have you tried "Detect and Repair" from the Help menu?

The virus scan is a function of your Virus Scanning application, not Excel.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


I uninstalled it again, defragmented my computer, shut it down, re-installed
and then ran the detect and repair (I selected to set the computer back to
its defaults) and the problem still persists!!! I'm feelilng very, very


Dave Peterson

Does it happen if you start excel in Safe mode:

Close excel
windows start button|run
excel /safe

When you start excel in safe mode, lots of things are disabled--macros, *.xlb
(toolbar customizations).

There have been lots of posts about not being able to find the *.xlb file--maybe
you didn't find the "real" *.xlb (my fingers are crossed).


Yes it does!!!

Dave Peterson said:
Does it happen if you start excel in Safe mode:

Close excel
windows start button|run
excel /safe

When you start excel in safe mode, lots of things are disabled--macros, *.xlb
(toolbar customizations).

There have been lots of posts about not being able to find the *.xlb file--maybe
you didn't find the "real" *.xlb (my fingers are crossed).

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