Excel IF Formula for an inventory...


Allan Grates

Please, I need help with a formula,

I'm looking for a formula (Something like the IF formula) that will allow me
to show three(3) different text expressions in one cell according to
mathmatic range. Currently, the only one I can figure out is:
=IF(K25>I25,"Inventory above range","Inventory within range"). I have tried
the =IF(AND.... & =IF(OR... formulas. I would like for the cell to have the
ability to report: "Inventory above range", "Inventory within range" &
"Inventory below range".

Vijay Chary

Hi Allan ! :)
The formula you need is something like this.
=IF(K25>I25,"Above Range",IF(AND(K25<=I25,K25>=I24),"Within Range","Below
Note: The cell I24 contains the lower limit of the inventory range.

I hope you find the info useful ! Good Luck !


Vijay Chary

Hi David !! :)
That's the general idea. If you examine my version of
the formula, you'll find it has only two conditions in it; one to test if the
given value is above the range and the other to test if the value is within
the range. The third condition is obained from the other two as an 'ELSE'.

Teethless mama

=LOOKUP(K25-I25,{-1E+100,0,1},"Inventory "&{"below","within","above"}&" range")

Allan Grates

David & Vijay,

I tried both formulas and they both worked for me. I decided to use david's
formula as it was the first I tried and worked the first time I put it in my
inventory. Thanks and appreciate it.

Kudos, Allan



And yet another way to write it:

="Inventory "&IF(I25<K25,"below",IF(I25>K25,"above","within"))&" range"

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