Excel Graphs




Having a problem trying to produce a graph in excel. The data I am
trying to produce a graph with is shown below. To produce the graph I
highlight the range containing 0.25 to 11.658, the x and y are there to
show you guys what data I want on each axis, and then follow the wizard
through, the graph I want is a line graph with x row on the x axis, and
y row on the y axis.

x 0.25 2 5 10
y 9.6325 10.4165 10.979 11.658

The problem I have is I get two data series for each row, What am I
doing wrong?




Hi Tom,

I think I have the solution. I have copied your values in excel

x 0.25 2 5 10
y 9.6325 10.4165 10.979 11.658

Highlight your y-data range 9.6325-11.658

Now click on the chart icon and select Chart type: line and click
This will produce a single line with the correct y values but incorrect
x values.

To get the correct x-values click on the series button at the top of
the chart display window.

You will see a title: Category (X) axis labels. Click with the mouse on
the icon to the right of the blank box on the same row as the title. The
chart window now gets very small. highlight your x-values data in the
excel chart and press return. You now have your desired
single graph.

You can now edit the properties of the graph as you see fit.

Hope this helps


Jon Peltier

Do you really want a line chart? Did you notice that the points are equally
spaced, even though the gap between 5 and 10 should be much wider than
between 0.25 and 2?

If you select the entire data range, then choose an XY chart type in the
chart wizard, you get exactly what you want, faster than how you were told
to do it with a Line chart. (The trick with a Line chart is to clear the top
left cell, so Excel knows the top row and left column are special, and
indicate categories and series labels.)

- Jon

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