Excel Graphs Into Powerpoint


Barb Reinhardt

I suspect this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it. I want
to include EXCEL graphics in a PowerPoint presentation. I've tried to use
the graphics functions in PowerPoint, but it doesn't allow me to locate the
chart labels where I want to put them (at least I haven't figured it out).

What is the best way to include Excel graphs in a PowerPoint document:

1) Linking somehow
2) Copying as a picture and pasting
3) Some other way

Thanks in advance,
Barb Reinhardt

Barb Reinhardt

I figured out how to move the chart labels in PowerPoint, however, I still
want to know how to link Excel Graphs into PowerPoint. I just prefer to
create all of my graphics there.


Open both programs. Select your graph in Excel. Choose the copy button on
your taskbar. Go to Powerpoint, choose Edit - paste special - choose the
radiobutton Paste link, click OK. Save your file in PPT and in Excel. Every
time you open your presentation you should get a message warning you that
your presentation contains links to external files, click on the update
button and your set.

Barb Reinhardt

I believe I did that and the graph display much smaller than it was when I
copied it. Why is that?

Tushar Mehta

There have been ongoing complaints of this kind for the past year (or
two or three). About the best I have been able to *guess* is that they
are caused by the zoom in XL being something other than 100%.

I've been linking XL worksheet and charts into PP for years now with no
problems. But, then, having been burnt by various problems related to
the XL zoom, I almost always have it at 100%.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Barb Reinhardt

I generally have Excel zoomed to fill the window instead of at 100. I've
found a way to get what I want, but it takes a bit longer to get there.

Steve Rindsberg

I believe I did that and the graph display much smaller than it was when I
copied it. Why is that?

I don't know, but as long as you're linking and not embedding the charts, grab
a corner selection handle once they're in PPT and size them to suit.

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