Excel e-mail list to netscape



First - I'm not a VBA programmer, so I have to keep this simple!

I have a list of filtered Excel e-mail addresses. Is there a way t
copy these and have them appear in Netscape?

Right now, I have to filter my data list, copy the filtered e-mai
addresses, paste them into MS Word, Convert the resultant table, searc
and replace the paragraph marks with commas, then delete the two extr
commas at then end. Once this is done, I can copy and paste directl
into the Netscape address window.

Obviously, alot of steps.

I'd like my users to just be able to highlight the filtered e-mail lis
in Excel, press an assigned Macro button, and have Netscape open wit
the e-mail addresses appearing in the address window.



Dave Peterson

Copy the visible cells to a new (temporary) worksheet in column A.

Then in B1, put this formula:

In B2, put this formula:
And drag down the column.

Copy that last cell and paste into your email program.

David McRitchie

Hi Rich,
From what you describe, you can simply have Excel
create a CSV (comma separated variables) file.
File, Save As

If you have other characters interferring, you can use Replace (Ctrl+H) to remove them. If you want you could modify the
TrimALL macro
to remove unwanted characters. The description in this area would also help you identify what characters i.e.
=CODE(MID(A1,14,1)) to find what the 14th character actully is.

If you have unwanted commas at the end, then remove columns
at the right end of your worksheet. Use Ctrl+End to see where Excel thinks the data ends.

If you need another comma at the end then enter a single quote in a cell to indicate an empty text string.

You should be able to all of this without macros, but if you want to remove extraneous spaces and remove other character (replace
with a space) the macro would help, and link to how to install and use a macro can be found at the top of the join.htm page
(above), or see

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