Excel does not open Book



When I do a double click to an Excel Spred sheet in my documents folder,
Excel Opens fine but the book does not appers, Sheets are not displayed. If I
go file/open/filename. This sheet opens fine.
Any idea is welcome.


Dave Peterson

Sometimes one of these works when you're having trouble with double clicking on
the file in windows explorer:

Tools|Options|General|Ignore other applications (uncheck it)

--- or ---

Close Excel and
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /unregserver
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /regserver

The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
factory defaults.

Maybe one of these will work for you.


Both didn't work.
I also run 'Detect & repair'. It didn't work
I downloaded office XP SP3 and didn´t work too.
I so frustated that only solution seems to format & reinstall everthing.
that's a Shame.

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if reinstalling would help.

But I would try the other suggestions once more. It won't waste too much time.

Alfonso said:
Both didn't work.
I also run 'Detect & repair'. It didn't work
I downloaded office XP SP3 and didn´t work too.
I so frustated that only solution seems to format & reinstall everthing.
that's a Shame.


I solved the problem, going to 'tools/options/general/uncheked 'ignore other
applications'. It worked.
Thank you very much for your support. I really appreciate it.

Dave Peterson

Sometimes the second time is the charm!

Alfonso said:
I solved the problem, going to 'tools/options/general/uncheked 'ignore other
applications'. It worked.
Thank you very much for your support. I really appreciate it.


I'm having a similar problem with Excel 2007. WIth the new system I can't
find any "tools" tab though - any advice?

David McRitchie

the extra tabs and things even once at options are confusing, specifically
Office Button in upper left corner, at the bottom of that dialog is Options,
then on the left choose the Advanced button (red), then scroll down on
the right side to "General" (blue stripe) second up from bottom, then
"Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)"

David Biddulph said:
For a cross-reference guide between Excel 2003 & 2007, try:

[A version to use on-line, or you can download.]
David Biddulph

ferrisld said:
I'm having a similar problem with Excel 2007. WIth the new system I can't
find any "tools" tab though - any advice?

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