excel crashes when opening a saved file


Jon Cotton

the process is that a user has created a spredsheet in
excel 2000, they have then sent this to a user running 97.

the 97 user, opens the spreadsheet and runs the included
macro, once the macro has run they save the spreadsheet
as a new file and leave the original as was.

when they try and open the file that they have just saved
excel returns the message, excel.exe has generated a
critical error and must close. regardless of how the file
is saved this always happens.

this happens on this one machine whether logged on as the
user or an administrator. however the same process works
fine on another machine. The only difference between the
2 machines is that the problem machine is running NT4.0
where the other machine we've used to test is running XP
Pro and this works fine. the XP machine is still running
office 97.

If there are any questions at all please let me know,
this one has us baffled and we cant find anything in the
MS knowledge base to help.




Mine has a similar problem. Every time I save a file and
reopen it, it has macros in it, I have problems getting
my file that I had just saved and was working to compile
or even work right. I cant even resave it half the
time. But if my friend sends me the file it works just
fine. He has office 2k and I have office 2003. If you
find out the problem please let me know.

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