Excel as database - locking a row during a sort



Dear Boardmembers,

I have a collection of data with headings across the top
of the worksheet like this.

Date IDNumber Name Place and so forth
entry 1---------------
entry 2---------------
and so forth

There are filters for each column. And I would like to be
able to sort/re sort/filter for Date or IDnumber etc.
(column) while protecting the integrity of each entry
(row). So that a sort for IDNumber descending returns not
just sorted IDnumbers but complete intact rows, sorted by
IDnumber. Is there an easy way to "lock" each row of data
in this fashion? Thank you for your help.

Frank Kabel

Hi Eric
the best way is to select your entire 'database' before sorting. Don't
let Excel guess the extension of your database. So if you select all
columns and apply sorting (use 'Data - Sort' for this) the rows will
stay together


If you select all the data and then sort on one column it will work a
you wish. Excel normally does this automatically if the data is set u
as a simple table with headings across the top.

It can become confused if there are blank rows or the heading row i
not complete

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