Excel already runnig, how to update with VB



I would like to be able to use VB 2003 .NET to check if Excel is
running, and if it is, then do something with the active workbook.

I can see if Excel is running:

Private Sub GetAllExcelApps()

Dim AllExeclProcesses() As Process
Dim OneExcelProcess As Process
Dim OneExcelApp As Excel.Application

' get all open instances of excel
AllExeclProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")

' Iterate through the process array.
For Each OneExcelProcess In AllExeclProcesses
' do something
End Sub

But how do I convert OneExcelProcess into OneExcelApp? I can create an
Excel Application instance:

Private Sub MyExcelProcess()
Dim MyExcelApp As Excel.Application = New Excel.Application

' do somthing

MyExcelApp = Nothing
End Sub

But I do not want a new Excel application. I want to be able to do
something only is Excel is already running.



I'm not sure if it will work, but maybe try using a direct cast statement or
something similar:

Dim OneExcelApp as Excel.Application
OneExcelApp = DirectCast(OneExcelProcess, Excel.Application)


Okay I tried DirectCast and it didn't work. I also tried CType and that
didn't work either.

If you absolutley have to perform something with the Excel file that is
already open, maybe you should use VBA?

A temporary workaround might be to terminate the running Excel process and
then force the user to reselect the file in an OpenFileDialog and then create
a new instance of the workbook that way. Although that is rather lame.

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