Excel Addins Not Loading on Start


Tony Tam

I am using a program called Progress to open up an excel window. However
when I use the command

CREATE "Excel.Application" hExcelObject.
hExcelObject:VISIBLE = TRUE.

to load up an excel window it opens up without loading up any of the addins.
When I go to the addins menu on the newly opened windows then all the addins
that should load are checked already. The only thing that I got to make it
work is to load up is to run a macro that turns off the addin then turns it
back on after the excel window is loaded in order for the addin's to
install. This makes no sense to me.

though the progress code might look a little strange its based off the
activex programming. I found this at the msdn website

Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
xl.Application.Workbooks.Open "newbook.xls"

which is basically the same thing except progress uses a "." to end a line
thus has to substitute theVB "." for ":"


Tom Ogilvy

Addins don't load when excel is stared via automation.

the sense is that excel starts faster and causes fewer problems.

So you are doing the right thing by loading them yourself in your code.

Tony Tam

Thanks for the answer Tom,

makes sense now. But why would the addin's be checked off already when I
open up the addin's menu. It seems like a pain to load up each addin
individually and considering the code I am writing is going to be used by
different people with different addins, is there anyways to load up whatever
addins the user has checked off already in their addins menu. I like the
controls of having the excel window as an object thats why I am trying to
figure this out.

Tom Ogilvy

Checked off means you want them loaded. Excel then decides whether to load
them or not.

Anyway, here is some sample code previously posed by KeepItCool

code from KeepItCool (Oct 21, 2004)
Sub LoadXLwithAddins()
Dim xl As Object
Dim ai As Object

Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Applicatio­n")

For Each ai In Application.AddIns
If ai.Installed Then
xl.Workbooks.Open(ai.FullName)­.RunAutoMacros 1
End If

xl.Visible = True
Set xl = Nothing
End Sub

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