excel-access combination




i've a database in excel. I need to print a specific Report in MS-Access
using a particular record in ms-excel.


I've 2 worksheets.
worksheet 1 contains - 500 records
worksheet 2 contains a format that is to be printed (as ONE RECORD per

How can it be possible, if i enter the 501th record and get the print of the
same from worksheet 2.

How can i do it.

please suggest..

Earl Kiosterud


Access won't, to my knowledge, use the layout from your second sheet for the
printed report. Getting data into Access is limited to records into a
table. For the print layout, you have to design an Access Report (pretty
easy, once you're familiar, and there are wizards to help).

The data in sheet 1 can be gotten into Access by using File - Get External
Data - Link. The Excel sheet will now appear in Access as an Access table,
which can be the record source for the Access Report (print). If the data
in the sheet changes, it will be reflected in the Access linked table.

Ken Wright

You might also be able to copy and paste your second sheet into Word and then
take advantage of the mailmerge feature to print a copy for each record in the
Excel file.

Earl Kiosterud


Very true. Many users don't have Access, and Word is a good solution. The
OP asked about Access, but might still choose to use Word. And he
apparently doesn't yet have an Access report created yet for this (since he
wanted to use the layout of sheet2).

Actually, if sheet1 is properly laid out as a table (column headings, one
row per record, etc.) he doesn't even have to paste the stuff into Word.
Word can use an Excel sheet as the data source as the mailmerge runs,
getting the current data from sheet1. Especially good if sheet1 will change
and the report needs to be run again.

Ken Wright

Word can use an Excel sheet as the data source as the mailmerge runs,

Didn't know that, so thanks Earl :) That's what I love about this place, you
learn something new every day

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