Excel 2007 Beta - 30 bugs



I have seen existing posts about the reporting of bugs in the 2007 beta. I
have been testing code which runs in Excel 97-2003, and have found some 30
bugs or issues (9 of which have been in Excel since 97). I have wriiten a
short report listing these, and just want to get these reported to MS. Please
advise whether I should post 30 topics into this forum, or if there is any
better way?


Thanks - though this link seems to give me "Unknown Webboards Error".

I am not sure that I would be thanked for posting 30 messages into any
forum. Is there a more direct way to report these errors? Can a Microsoft MVP
do it? I can email the list (a word document) if required.

With thanks.

Ron de Bruin

Hi Andew

Yes I see that the link is dead
Can a Microsoft MVP
do it? I can email the list (a word document) if required.

If you are a Beta tester you can do it but remember that most bugs are fixed in a new internal build and bugging tthem
takes time to test and 98 % is already known.
I have no time to test them for you so wait until the forum is working


Thanks - I'll give it a few days and keep trying.

As 9 of my 30 are problems which have been there since Excel 97, I'm not too
hopeful that they'll all get picked up anyway!

I see that the Office 2007 FAQs under how to report bugs, points to this
forum and says "Firstly, post the bug on the Office newsgroups. The forums
are patrolled by MVPs (Most Valued Professionals) who keep an eye on the bugs
and submit new ones to Microsoft."

If the Technet forum doesn't come back, I guess my only option is to use
this forum; perhaps I can put a few entries in each day to avoid too many
simultaneous posts...

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