excel 2003 xlodbc.xla


Veli Izzet

Hi all,

I need to get some data to my worksheet from an access database (or sql
2005 express).

I am using excel 2003. It seems I have to install xlodbc.xla for
sql.request to work.

Is this true? If yes where do I find it?

Is it the same xlodbc.xla for excel 2002?

Thanks for answers


Yes, you have to install xlodbc.xla for it to work. To answer two of
your questions at once, excel 2002 also required it and you can
download an executable from the MS download center, use xlodbc.xla as a
search term.

However, this executable looks specifically for something in the
registry belonging to office xp or excel xp, so you will get an error
when you download and try to run it.

But after unzipping the executable, one finds that xlodbc.xla is inside
it. I was successful in copying this file to the AddIns folder and
using tools/addins in excel to get it to work. On one machine. On
another I get an error that some (I forget the name) dll can't be

Good luck,

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