Excel 2003 Programming



I recently purchased and read MSO Exce 2003 Programming Inside Out to learn
how to write code in Visual Basic for Applications. It has a lot of useful
information; but I found it difficult to follow and at the end I still
couldn't execute even a simple task such as a dialog box. Could anyone
recommend other sources for learning VBA that are easier to read, have clear
examples, and easy to do practice exercises?


No one person will ever know everything about Excel, but all of us together
have it pretty well covered :) Most of it isn't knowing everything, its how
to find the answer, this place gets you that, or close enough that you can
adapt it yourself. Do that enough and you will be surprised. I come here and
help where I can, when I see something that looks interesting to me but don't
know the answer, I hit the notify me of replies button and wait for the
answer, its an awesome learning tool! Keep at it and don't feel guilty!

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