Excel 2003: Match Names; View Unfound Matches?




I need formula or macro configuration help for Excel 2003.

Within a spreadsheet, I want to compare the list of names in column A with
the list of names in column B and be notified of matches that were NOT found.
The scenario is:

- I have a list of people in column A that must attend a training course
- I have a list of people in column B that attended that course
- I want to compare names in A with B so that I can see which people did not
attend that course when they should have. I need Excel to visually show me
which matches were not found and ideally extract those names into another
sheet or into a list in a pop-up message or something that allows me to
select and copy those names.

How do I do this in Excel? Is there a macro I could configure to
automatically perform this match?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Shane Devenshire



=COUNTIF(A:A,B1) if this returns 0 they did not attend

=IF(COUNTIF(A:A,B1)=0,"Did not attend","")

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