Excel 2003--How do I change the color of selected items?



Hello. We just purchased Office 2003 standard. We previously used Office 2000
Professional. I see that selected items (items you click on with the mouse)
are now highlighted a yellow color. This doesn't match my Windows color
settings. I do not like this ugly yellow color. How can I change it to either
be customized or simply match my Windows color preferences? I cannot find any
option within Excel to correct this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


The ugly yellow must be part of your colour scheme as it's not an Excel
default. You need to post yuour question in a Windows news group if you don't
know how to change the colour scheme. Hope this helps


Thank you for your reply, but as previously stated, this color is NOT in my
Windows Appearance color settings. I have checked this twice, and yes, I am
familiar with this option and customizing it (my current selected items color
is blue). This change only happened once I installed Office 2003 yesterday;
my previous version (2000) did use my Windows color settings. This is how I
know that this has to be some setting within Excel or Office in general that
changed this. Perhaps this is just a default setting that can NOT be changed?
Has anyone else experienced this yellow coloration? Another point to mention,
this is only apparent in Excel and not any other Office applications. I hope
that clears up the confusion. Any other relevant ideas as to what is causing
this and how to fix it?


I realized I misworded the problem. I'm not speaking of selecting an area and
highlighting it with your mouse. I'm speaking of the background color of the
column, row, or option you're using. This also happens in Word, and it's
apparently a default of 2003. Anytime I have something formatted in BOLD, for
example, the "B" for Bold on the toolbar is highlighted this ugly yellow
color. If I'm working in column A, then the letter of column A is highlighted
the same color. If any text is underlined and I'm clikced on that text, the
"U" for underline on the toolbar is also the same yellow color. It's not the
Windows color scheme setting for "selected" items. It's the format or options
of the items on the toolbar, for example, that are highlighted. This is what
I need to know how to remove. Instead of just being depressed as in 2000, now
these items are highlighted yellow. I'd rather have the items depressed to
indicate they are in use. Anyone know how to achieve this? Thank you.

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