Excel 2003 and Application.Quit



I know there is a bug in Excel 2003 regarding smart
documents and applications.quit. However, I do not have
any smart documents, that I am aware of, and when the
application.quit is executed, excel stays open. Here is
my code.....

Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

' Restore Toolbars And Return To Normal Screen
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True
For i = 1 To Application.Toolbars.Count
Application.Toolbars(i).Visible = CurrentToolSet(i)
Next i

'Close Workbook and Do Not Save Changes Without Prompt
If LCase(Application.UserName) <> "x" And LCase
(Application.UserName) <> "y" Then
ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If

End Sub

Sub Workbook_Open()

' Emmulate Full Screen By Turning Off Active Toolbars
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
For i = 1 To Application.Toolbars.Count
CurrentToolSet(i) = Application.Toolbars(i).Visible
Application.Toolbars(i).Visible = False
Next i

' Capture Today's Date For Auto Refresh Determination
Dim d_Today
Dim d_LstUpdt
d_Today = Date
d_LstUpdt = Worksheets("Parameters").Range("Q12").Value

' Set AutoCalc Off Due To Conflict With SAPBEX Query
Refresh Or Data Duplication
Application.Calculation = xlManual

' Detemine If Auto Refresh Should Be Executed
If (d_Today <> d_LstUpdt) Then

If LCase(Application.UserName) = "x" Or LCase
(Application.UserName) = "y" Then

' Copy External Goals Data Into Corresponding
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing Goals
Data.xls", "Close", "Goals Qry", "Goals_Qry", "Goals
Data", 2

' Copy External Profit Centers & Cost Centers Data
Into Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing SAP BW
Data.xls", "", "Parameters", "Parameters", "Parameters", 0

' Copy External Finished Goods Output Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing SAP BW
Data.xls", "", "FG Qry", "FG_Qry", "FG Data", 2

' Copy External Destructive Testing Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing SAP BW
Data.xls", "", "IndMat Qry", "IndMat_Qry", "IndMat Data", 3

' Copy External Scrap/Inventory Adjustments Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing SAP BW
Data.xls", "", "Scrap Qry", "Scrap_Qry", "Scrap Data", 3

' Copy External Inventory Adjustment Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing SAP BW
Data.xls", "", "InvAdj Qry", "InvAdj_Qry", "InvAdj Data", 2

' Copy External Destructive Testing Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing SAP BW
Data.xls", "Close", "DstTst Qry", "DstTst_Qry", "DstTst
Data", 4

' Copy External Equivalent Unit Output Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing EU & FO
Data.xls", "Close", "EU FO Qry", "EU_FO_Qry", "EU FO
Data", 2

' Copy External Scrap Adjustment Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing ScrAdj
Data.xls", "Close", "ScrAdj Qry", "ScrAdj_Qry", "ScrAdj
Data", 3

' Copy External Labor Data Into Corresponding
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing Labor
Data.xls", "Close", "Labor Qry", "Labor_Qry", "Labor
Data", 3

' Copy External Rework Data Into Corresponding
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing Rework
Data.xls", "Close", "Rework Qry", "Rework_Qry", "Rework
Data", 3

' Copy External QCS Zero Mileage Data Into
Corresponding Worksheet
CopySheetValues "ChW Goal Sharing QCS
Data.xls", "Close", "QCS0M Qry", "QCS0M_Qry", "QCS0M
Data", 4

' Filter Out Duplicate Profit Centers In Column A/B
and Copy Unique List to Column G/H
Range("ProfitCenters").AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Worksheets
("Parameters").Range("G13"), Unique:=True

' Filter Out Duplicate Cost Centers In Column C/D and
Copy Unique List to Column I/J
Range("CostCenters").AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Worksheets
("Parameters").Range("I13"), Unique:=True

' Capture Date For Last Updated
Worksheets("Parameters").Range("Q12").Value =

' Reset AutoCalc On Due To Conflict With SAPBEX Query
Refresh Or Data Duplication
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

' Set Profit Center and Cost Center Drop Down Indices
To Plant Default
Worksheets("DropDowns").Range("B1").Value = 1
Worksheets("DropDowns").Range("H1").Value = 1

' Activate Status Worksheet

' Exit Spreadsheet
ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

End If
End If

' Set Profit Center and Cost Center Drop Down Indices To
Plant Default
Worksheets("DropDowns").Range("B1").Value = 1
Worksheets("DropDowns").Range("H1").Value = 1

' Activate Status Worksheet

' Reset AutoCalc On Due To Conflict With SAPBEX Query
Refresh Or Data Duplication
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

If you are expecting these lines of code to close Excel
ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

then this is at least part of your problem. When ThisWorkbook is closed,
the code stops, so the application.quit is never executed. You need to
remove the ThisWorkbook.Close and let the Quit command cause the workbook to
close. You may need

ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
or perhaps
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

If you haven't just saved the workbook. This would avoid the prompt to save

Dean Hinson

I'll give that a try..BTW.. when you say 'the least of my problems'...do
I have others. I am very new to VBA, basically learning by doing and
haven't had any classes. Is there some pointers that I should heed to?

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Dean Hinson

Thanks that worked. However, I am curious by what you said regarding '
the least of your problems '. I am a beginner in VBA due to a project
with no training.. What I have picked up is mostly from books I have
purchased and forums like this. Are there some pointers you would like
to share that would make the code cleaner and meaner?

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Thanks that worked. However, I am curious by what you said regarding '
the least of your problems '. I am a beginner in VBA due to a project
with no training.. What I have picked up is mostly from books I have
purchased and forums like this. Are there some pointers you would like
to share that would make the code cleaner and meaner?

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Tom Ogilvy

I didn't say "the least of my problems" I said this is at least part of
your problem. I can't say there may not be other things causing your
problem. I didn't have time to try to decipher all of your code.


Sorry about the double/triple replies, didn't realize it took that long
actually post the reply. Anyway, I wasn't being defensive in the
reply. I really am just learning and appreciate all the help I have

Thanks again.

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