Excel 2002 Problem



My first message accidentally sent before I finished
typing in the second problem.

Second problem again: Macro buttons that I have created
and placed on my Formatting toolbar do not work when I
open Excel 2002 and have two or more workbooks open. The
macros for each button are stored in my Personal
workbook. I get a message saying "A document with the
name PERSONAL.XLS is already open. You cannot open two
documents with the same name." However, if I go to
customize toolbars, I can reassign the macro to each
button and the buttons work fine. If I close Excel and
open Excel again, then the buttons do not work again until
I reassign the macros to the buttons. I'm stumped!

Dave Peterson

It sounds like you have two workbooks named personal.xls in different folders on
your pc.

And some of the icons you've added to the toolbar point at one of them and some
point at the other.

I think your job will be to search for those personal.xls files. Find out which
is the version to keep (be careful, it could be a combination of each if you've
editted your code!!!).

Then just reduce it to just one workbook. And reassign the icons to your

And just because the problem fits (I don't think this is it, but it might save
you a trip back):
(from Debra Dalgleish's site)

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