Excel 2002: How to add extension to text ?



Dear Sir,

Lets consider the following worksheet:

A B (Answer)
1 2115 2115.02.GT.0215
2 2145 2145.02.GT.0215
3 3245 3245.02.GT.0215
4 4128 4128.02.GT.0215
5 6627 6627.02.GT.0215

I have five account codes in column A and need to add extention .02.GT.0215
as illustrated in column B above.

May I know what formula to be input at B1 and copy down to get the straight
answer ?

In another instance I have the folowing worksheet:

A B C D F (Result)
1 2115 02 GT 0224 2115.02.GT.0224
2 2145 06 KU 0386 2145.06.KU.0386
3 3245 08 ST 0455 3245.08.ST.0455

I need to add the extentions for content in column B,C,D to the codes in
column A. Is there any formula I can key in at column F to get the result I
needed ?




Here is one way to do it. For the first set of account codes, put this in
cell B1:
and drag it down column B.
For the second set of account codes, put this in cell F1:
and drag it down column F.

Bernard Liengme

Q1) =A1&".02.GT.2015"

Q2) =A1&"."&B1&"."&C1&"."&D1
but depending on how the 02, 06, 08 values were entered you may need to use

best wishes

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