Excel 2000 sorting doesn't remember sort columns



I have an excel 2000 file that has several different worksheets. A few
I need to sort occasionally. One of them has no problem, I can just go
to data->sort and it remembers what I sorted by last time. A couple of
others I have to re-choose the columns each time; it doesn't even
remember whether the worksheet had a header row. Anyone know a fix for



KC Rippstein

Can you assign a name to the range on each sheet that you want to sort?
For example, if your headers are A1:H1 and data is A2:H1001, select the
range A1:H1001 and assign it the name Sort_Range. If you have not done this
before, you would type this name in the white box to the left of your
formula bar (it should say A1 in it).
Now, whenever you want to sort, first hit ctrl+G and a window pops up.
Sort_Range is a name that shows up in the window. Select it and you can
sort the same exact range every single time.
Repeat that process on subsequent worksheets.
- KC

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