Excel 2000 not working at all



I still cannot open any excel files. Anyway I try to open them, new or old, excel freezes up. When I open the file, excel loads, the toolbars load, but when it comes time for the worksheets to load, the screen stays grey and the hour glass shows the program as busy. No matter how long I wait, the hour glass stays. Then I do a Control/Alt/Delete and it says that excel is not responding. I have tried reinstalling, uninstalling/reinstalling, office maintenence, defrag, scan disk, virus scan. I also deleted all files in my C:\Windows\Temp folder.

Daniel M. from this site stated I "Check out for any *.xlb (configuration files) on your harddisk and move them into another directory you just created. Check out also for any program in your XLStart directory (*.xla, *.xls *.xlb) and move them elsewhere." I couldn't find any of these type of files on my harddisk

I checked excel.exe and it shows that it hasn't been motified since 1999. All my other office products are working fine, except Excel. I don't know what else to do. Any thoughts on what else to do? FYI its office 2000 and Windows 98. I am just stuck on what to do. All ideas are appreciated. Thanks. Bret

Jim Rech

Does the problem still occur when you start Excel in safe mode? (From
Start->Run enter "Excel.exe /s" (w/o quotes, there is a space before the

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