Events for Controls in a Multipage Control




i need some help with events for a control

i have a multipage control, to which i add controls

however i am unable to write code for them

is there a way to do this ?

in the general, i delcare

Public WithEvents cFoo As CommandButton

then in a macro

set foo = MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add

how do i write an event for this object

or how do i manuall add on object in design mode and add
code for the event

any help would be appreiciated, thanks



the multipage control is embedded in a worksheet

-----Original Message-----
Not on a worksheet - which is what I assume you are trying to do.

Tom Ogilvy


Tom Ogilvy

and you had to go to more controls to get it there - the reason is that it
isn't supported on a worksheet - you can plunk it down there, but you can't
have events for the controls placed on it - at least I have never figured
out how to do it and have never seen any one else post a method. (although
the topic doesn't come up very often).


I am trying to do the same thing except I am not creating the multipage control in a spreadsheet but in a form. I want to add controls to new pages on the multipage control at run time. I can't figure out how to created events for the new controls. I am not accessing the spreadsheet at all

----- Tom Ogilvy wrote: ----

and you had to go to more controls to get it there - the reason is that i
isn't supported on a worksheet - you can plunk it down there, but you can'
have events for the controls placed on it - at least I have never figure
out how to do it and have never seen any one else post a method. (althoug
the topic doesn't come up very often)

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