EventID 55: Attempt to send a message to a disconnected communication port.



Ok I've applied all Microsoft updates, the KB840987 seems to
create a problem with terminal client that does not allow you to
reconnect (In Admin Mode.)

After spending some time in the news groups I found out that
uninstalling the patch should put things back to work, however
it did not work for me... It could be cause I applied multiple
updates at the same time...

I tried to reapply the patch, uninstall it... Reinstalling
Terminal Services, SP4 and few other... Still no luck!

The Original update MS04-032 has been released in November as a
Critical update! And Microsoft still hasn't been able to post
an update for it?! How are we to keep our servers secure? Even
worse what can I do now to get the TS to work like it used to...
I can not be rebooting my server every time I want to disconnect
from it...

Any suggestions on what can I do? Or is there another update
that I missed? What is even worse is that if you read the info
on MS04-032 it doesn't tell you anywhere that it will create
problems with TS... And Microsoft is aware of that issue as they
recommended to few people to uninstall the service pack...

Someone please help me



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